Writing resource?!

Hello everyone,
      This blog entry is about a writing resource, or more specifically, a computer program that may help people with their writing, or an alternative way to writing/typing. Are you tired of typing? Are you able to type at all? Are you too slow at typing? Is it hard for you to keep all your thoughts together because you're not fast enough to type them out? Or do you get wrist and/or hand cramps while you type? Well, your troubles may be over because Dragon 12.5 (Home or Premium edition) may resolve any of the problems listed above. As you are reading this, I am writing this blog post with Dragon. With practice on their voice program accuracy, it is possible to "write" with Dragon 12.5 with ease. Depending on your computer OS (operating system) will determine which version of Dragon you can install. While Dragon 12.5 can be installed on older versions (in this case, Windows), if you have Windows 8 or 8.1, for example, you may not have the ability to install older versions of Dragon. In addition, try to find their headphones included in a Dragon Naturally Speaking Software box sets. If you are unable to find headphones included in their box sets, go on nuance's website and see which headphones are compatible with their software. You can find this program on any of the major online retailer outlets, or on Dragon's official website, at www.nuance.com. In addition, it might be beneficial if you purchase a guidebook/manual for the Dragon Naturally Speaking Software. Links to both the software and the book are below. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. I hope you enjoy this post! Thank you!

Dragon Naturally Speaking for Dummies (Great book to read, and to use as a reference! Easy to follow!):
Dragon Naturally Speaking version 12.0 (Home edition):

Dragon Naturally Speaking version 12.0 (Premium edition):


P.S.: If you want the latest version, Dragon 13 will be out in late August!:


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