Self-Publishing Resource #3?

Hello everyone!,
   Do you have a great idea for a story, but your thoughts are all over the place? Do you want your points to be clear, and you don't want to remember all the character details and relationships? Do you want to organize your story structure the way it makes sense to you? Fortunately, there is a program that will help you with your concerns. The program which may solve your issues, called Scrivener (for Windows/Mac/Linux), will allow you to do everything I asked, and more. Scrivener, for example, will allow you to make notes; from the notes, you can organize your ideas into a plot structure that makes sense. Additionally, character development can be placed in its own side window while writing your story/script/etc. Also, you can insert pictures (if you have any for your book or as reference/inspiration for your plot/character development, etc.) into your document (either in a separate window or within the window you're writing/typing). If you're interested in Scrivener, you can go to their official web (linked below). You can always try Scrivener's free trial period, and see if you like the program. For $40, this is one powerful, and wonderful writing tool. If you have any questions, comments, please feel free to leave a comment below, or e-mail me. I hope this was helpful! Enjoy! Thank you!




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