Drawing Resource #22?!

Hello everyone!,
  Are you looking for an inexpensive but effective paper trimmer? Is the paper trimmer board with its blade rusting out? Are you just looking for something that is both portable and lightweight? Fortunately, there are alternatives available!
   Depending on the size of the paper you are trying to trim will determine the size of the paper trimmer you will need to purchase. The general range for the portable paper trimmers range between 9" to 12". The larger paper trimmers, such as Maped (i.e., Helix), are able to cut multiple sheets at one time, while the smaller paper trimmers cut between one to two sheets at a time. Regardless of the size, it's nice to have a paper trimmer, as you can use it for cutting coupons, pictures, and mail. In addition, you can use paper trimmers to cut down and conserve drawing paper if you're on a tight budget, or if you're cropping out a portion of your drawing, for example.
   Below are several paper trimmer products which work for both everyday use and for art purposes. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me an e-mail, or leave a comment below. I hope this post was both helpful and enjoyable! Thank you!

-Maped Multi-Cut Paper Trimmer (5 sheet capacity): https://www.amazon.com/Maped-Multi-Cut-Trimmer-Capacity-589100/dp/B000HFWH4U/ref=sr_1_3?srs=2596067011&ie=UTF8&qid=1477971081&sr=8-3&keywords=Maped+Paper+Trimmer

-SE 12" Paper Trimmer: https://www.amazon.com/SE-PC1212-12-Inch-Paper-Trimmer/dp/B0033CBXMQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1477971723&sr=1-1&keywords=SE+12%22+Paper+Trimmer

-Westcott Paper Trimmer 9": https://www.amazon.com/Westcott-Trimmer-Titanium-Bonded-Blades/dp/B000P0R1H0/ref=pd_sim_229_6?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000P0R1H0&pd_rd_r=55F93NXP6VAXYC8FQWX2&pd_rd_w=PzZF4&pd_rd_wg=Dzx54&psc=1&refRID=55F93NXP6VAXYC8FQWX2

-Westcoot Paper Trimmer 12": https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GP5L3U/ref=psdc_490588011_t1_B000P0R1H0


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